Have you ever kneaded bread dough? It’s a very sensual experience. It starts off all sticky and reluctant and then, as you work it, it gradually becomes softer and less sticky until you can do what you want with it. I suppose it’s a bit like seducing a woman: she starts off resisting what you try to do and gradually relents until you can do what you want with her. And just like making bread, it takes time. If you try to rush it then nothing works. But when it all goes right you end up with something wonderful: a fresh warm loaf or a fresh warm lover. Can you think of anything that tastes better, that is more satisfying?
Lesson 1: Selecting and Mixing the Ingredients
Violet had always wanted to learn how to make bread so she signed herself up for a course that took place over four Saturdays. When she got there she discovered that instead of each person making bread on their own, the participants were split up into pairs who would work together.
She looked over the rest of the class. She mentally picked her preferred partner not by how good they might be at making bread, since she had no way of knowing that, but by how much she’d like to take them to bed based on their looks. It was no competition really. She immediately ruled out all the men, none of them gave her that little flutter of interest between her legs. But one of the women really stood out. She was a little taller than Violet, also Chinese ethnicity, with a curvy figure that her somewhat shapeless clothes could not completely hide. Some of the people had obviously come with a partner but she luckily seemed to be alone.
Violet wasn’t very good at opening a conversation with people she didn’t know but she bravely summoned up the nerve she needed.
“Would you like to pair up with me?” she asked. It felt a bit like she was hitting on her in a bar instead of just picking a partner for a cooking lesson. She held her breath just like she might in a bar, hoping not to get turned down.
The woman smiled. “Sure,” she said. Violet breathed a sigh of relief.
“I’m Violet.” She reached out her hand.
“Fay,” the woman said, shaking Violet’s hand. “In both English and Chinese.”
Soon everyone was weighing flour and yeast and making various different kinds of dough. White, wholemeal, brioche, Chinese. Violet had had a little experience of making bread but clearly Fay had none. When she tried to knead the dough she just got a sticky mess all over the board and her hands.
“No,” Violet said, “Use the heel of your hand like this.” She demonstrated how to press down on the dough and fold it back on itself.
Fay continued to have problems. “I don’t get it,” she said picking bits of dough off her fingers. “I need some help.”
Violet moved so she was standing behind Fay. “Put your hands on the dough,” she said. She would have loved to put her arms around Fay and press her body against her back. But in fact she put her hands on top of Fay’s. It felt surprisingly erotic. “Like this,” she said. She guided Fay’s hands back and forth and in a few minutes the sticky mess of dough had come together into a soft, dry ball.
“Thank you,” Fay said. “You have very educational hands.”
“You’ve no idea what they might teach you,” Violet said cryptically. Fay glanced at her, obviously wondering what Violet might have meant.
As they worked Violet and Fay found out a bit more about each other. Fay worked for a shipping company. But it was just a job and her real passion was cooking.
“I’d love to open a restaurant of my own one day,” she said, “but I don’t suppose I ever will.”
“Why not? I’d like to do that too. But the first thing you should do is go and work in a restaurant. There’s a lot more to running a restaurant than cooking. Don’t make the mistake of not knowing how to manage people and cash-flow.”
By the end of the class the two women were chatting away about their dreams of opening their own restaurants and being wildly successful. They were even deciding which dough to use for rolls they would serve.
“Let’s go and have a beer and maybe something to eat,” Fay suggested. “I’m not in the mood to go home yet. After cooking all day the last thing I want to do is cook dinner now.”
“We can go to the café where I sometimes work,” Violet suggested. “It’s not far from here.”
“Do they have beer or just coffee?”
“Coffee. Beer. Asian food. American food.”
A quarter of an hour later Violet and Fay were sitting at a table in the café with a large bottle of beer and a glass in front of each of them. Violet picked up the bottle and filled both their glasses. They drank the first beer continuing to discuss restaurants and cooking. By the time they were on their second beer Violet decided to try and get a little more personal.
“You aren’t married, are you?” she asked. What she really wanted to ask was “are you gay?” but that just wasn’t done. Lesbians have a challenge finding other lesbians since they try so hard to blend in most of the time. And, of course, the percentages aren’t favorable.
“God, no,” Fay replied. For a moment Violet’s heart leapt, maybe she’d found a fellow lesbian.
“I don’t even have a boyfriend at the moment,” Fay continued. “How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?”
Violet wondered how to reply. She could come right out and say she was a lesbian. She could pretend not to be. She decided to be oblique.
“I’ve never had a boyfriend,” she replied.
“You mean…I don’t want to be too personal but you mean you’ve never…well, had sex.”
Violet laughed. “I didn’t say that.”
“I’m confused.”
“Lean forward,” Violet said. She also leaned forward and whispered in Fay’s ear. “I’ve had girlfriends.”
“Ah,” Fay said as she took another gulp of her beer.
“Have you ever?” Violet asked.
“Had a girlfriend? Not in that sense, no.”
“Have you thought about it?”
“You mean am I…bi-curious, isn’t that the word?”
“Not really. Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“I’m not quite sure how to put it, but are you attracted to me? ‘in that sense’ as it were.”
Violet wondered how truthful she should be. She didn’t want to scare Fay off, she still hadn’t given up all hope of seducing her. Sex was always thrilling, of course, but getting a straight woman into bed, bending her as lesbians called it, was even more thrilling still.
“I’d love to kiss you,” she heard herself saying.
“Oh my,” Fay said, clearly a bit unsure how to react.
“Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like?”
“To be kissed by another woman? Only vaguely. I don’t think I’ve ever been with a woman who wanted to kiss me.”
“You are now. Do you want to find out?”
“Well, never say never. But certainly not here and now in your café.”
Violet picked up the beer bottle and poured the last into Fay’s glass. She got up and went and got another beer for them. When she got back the two women talked about more mundane things, but the question of the kiss still hung in the air unanswered as the level of beer in the third bottle gradually dropped. Violet suddenly had an idea.
“Have you ever played the five question game?” she asked.
“No,” Fay replied. “What is it?”
“I ask you five questions. And all you have to do is answer them wrong. If you get all five wrong then you win.”
“Answer them wrong? That shouldn’t be too hard.”
“We should play for something though, to make it more interesting.”
“Another beer?”
“No, how about that kiss? If I win you have to kiss me.”
Fay smiled at Violet. “You really do want to kiss me, don’t you?”
“I’ve not exactly kept it a secret.”
“Okay, I’ll give you your chance since you are so persistent. What’s the first question?”
“What country are we in?”
“What were we doing this afternoon?”
“Learning how to make sushi. This is pretty easy. I’m sure there’s a catch somewhere though.”
“What’s your bra size?”
“That’s rather personal. Oh no, wait, I just have to get it wrong. 38D.”
“How many questions is that?”
Fay was about to say “three” when she caught herself. She smiled. “You nearly got me there. Seven.”
“Oh, that’s not fair, you’ve played this before haven’t you?”
“No I haven’t.”
Violet jumped up. “Win on the fifth question. That’s not a wrong answer.”
Fay smiled. “I knew there was a trick somewhere. But you got me fair and square. I’m not going to kiss you in here though.”
“I can wait until next week. But I always collect on my bets.” Violet glanced at her watch. “Well, we should get going anyway. I’m meant to be meeting friends later on and not in clothes that are dusted in flour so I need to go home and change first.”
“Let’s walk to the bus-stop. If I can summon up the courage I’ll kiss you goodbye this evening.”
“Am I that scary?”
“No, not at all. But I’m not someone who does things by halves. If I’m going to kiss you, then I’m going to kiss you properly, not cheat and just give you a little peck.”
The two women left. Violet was really surprised when Fay reached down and held her hand.
“Ooh, you really don’t do things by halves, do you?” she said to Fay.
“It feels naughty. Like being a teenager again. I can still remember the first boy who held my hand. Now you are the first girl. Well, ‘in that sense’.”
They were walking past a store that had closed for the day. Violet pulled Fay into the shop doorway, somewhat out of sight compared to the street. The two women stood there facing each other. The air was electric with sexual tension. Violet put her hand on the back of Fay’s neck. Very slowly Violet moved her mouth towards Fay’s until their lips met. The two women kissed. Violet started to move her lips a little, pleased that Fay responded. After ten or fifteen seconds Violet pulled away, not wanting to push Fay too hard.
“Wow,” Fay said.
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“It was surprisingly good. Good enough to try again.”
Fay bent towards Violet and the two women kissed again. Violet pushed her tongue forward and was both surprised and pleased when the tip of her tongue found Fay’s. Violet felt a surge of excitement in her pussy, she could feel herself getting wet. Her tongue and Fay’s intertwined like a pair of fighting snakes. Violet hoped Fay was getting as turned on as she herself was.
Finally Fay pulled away. Violet could see confusion in her eyes, a straight woman’s unanticipated arousal at her first experience with another woman.
“I must go,” Fay said in a rush. “I’ll see you again next Saturday.” She turned and almost ran out of the shop doorway leaving Violet standing there wondering whether she should follow. She suddenly had that sinking feeling in her stomach when she realized that Fay might not show up at the next class if she felt any remorse about their passionate kissing, in which case she had no means of contacting her. But if Fay did come to the next class, Violet thought…no, she didn’t want to tempt fate by even thinking about what might happen. Violet let her arousal subside a little before she stepped out of the doorway and walked to the bus stop.
Lesson 2: Kneading the Dough
The following Saturday Violet woke early. She lay in bed and thought about the bread-making lesson she would go to later in the day, the lesson where hopefully she would meet Fay again. Her hand slipped down into her panties as she spread her legs. She slipped her fingers down through her pubic hair into her slit and started to gently stroke her clit as she relived the feeling of Fay’s lips and tongue when they had kissed in the shop doorway. Except this time they went further. As Violet imagined sliding her hand under Fay’s shirt and up onto her breast, she slipped a finger inside her pussy. She imagined undoing the zip of Fay’s pants as her finger started to stroke her clit harder. In her mind she slipped her hand into Fay’s panties, sliding a finger into the furrow of Fay’s sex. She was just starting to stroke Fay’s clit in her imagination when she started to cum in reality. She imagined pushing her fingertip into Fay’s tight wet pussy as her orgasm quivered through her own cunt. She circled the tip of her finger on her clit as her climax bloomed and gradually died away.
She lay there in bed a little longer, enjoying the post-orgasmic glow. She prayed that Fay would be at the class and that she would be open to being kissed again. And she prayed she’d be brave enough to try and go further. It had been a long dry spell since Violet had last had sex and this was the first hint of a possibility of a chance of that exquisite moment when she would cum, not from her own finger, but from another woman’s tongue.
When Violet arrived at the bread-making class her heart dropped when Fay was nowhere to be seen. The class was just about to start when Fay rushed in. Violet could barely keep her eyes off her. Whereas last week she had been dressed in fairly shapeless clothes, this time she was wearing a low-cut top that revealed the tops of her breasts, and tight pants that accentuated her figure. Violet hoped that Fay was wearing them for her.
The two of them didn’t really have any time for small-talk before they were thrust into another round of making dough. Today, instead of using dried yeast they were using fresh yeast, an unlikely substance that came in bricks and looked a bit like beige cheese. Violet and Fay made their bread. Once again Fay was having trouble kneading her dough ready to be put somewhere warm to rise.
“You are being too timid,” Violet advised her. “You have to be firm with dough, but not too rough or the bread over-develops and gets tough.” She dropped her voice. “It’s like a woman. If you are firm and not timid or rough, it’s surprising where she might let you take her.”
Fay laughed. “Is that how you were treating me last week? Firm but not timid or rough? I was certainly surprised by where I let you take me.”
“So are we going for a beer again?” Violet asked. She tried to sound as casual and nonchalant as possible, whereas in reality she was tense and nervous.
“Would you like to?” Fay replied. It took a moment before Violet realized Fay was teasing her. She felt an enormous sense of relief.
“Not really,” said Violet, playing along.
Fay leaned over so her mouth was near Violet’s ear and nobody else had a chance of hearing. “Are you going to kiss me again?” she said.
“Would you like me to?”
“Not really,” Fay said, trying to keep a straight face but unable to suppress a smile.
Violet felt that wonderful feeling of anticipation in her belly. Not only was Fay going to come for a beer but they were going to kiss again. And kissing leads to touching and touching leads to…well, perhaps not today, she shouldn’t rush Fay too much.
“Let’s go to a different bar though. Somewhere where nobody knows us.”
If Violet was going to kiss Fay in a bar, she had no intention of doing it with her colleagues and friends watching.
When the class was over, the two women walked up the road. They ducked into a bar that neither of them was familiar with. It was dark inside compared with the bright sunlight outside. The weren’t that many people in the bar since it was still early, so Violet picked a table with nobody else nearby. Fay sat down and Violet went to buy some beer at the bar. When she got to the table, instead of sitting across the table from Fay she moved behind the table and sat alongside her. She reached over and held Fay’s hand.
“How long do you have?” Violet asked.
“Plenty of time. I have to babysit my nephew, but not until later. But I don’t want to run away again like I did last week.”
“Why did you?”
“Crisis of confidence.”
“Because you didn’t enjoy it?”
“No, silly. Couldn’t you tell? Because I enjoyed it too much. I needed to think about that and I knew I’d not be able to think if…well, if you started running your hands over my body or anything like that.”
“So what did you conclude?”
“Well, I’m here again aren’t I? And I’m going to let you kiss me again, aren’t I?”
Violet squeezed Fay’s hand. She leant over and kissed her briefly on the lips.
“How about the running my hands over your body bit?”
“I don’t know about that. I have to admit you have me all…confused, for want of a better word. My mind says one thing and my body says another.”
“Let me guess. Your brain says you are not attracted to me, since I’m a girl. And your pussy says you are.”
Violet put her hand on Fay’s shoulder. It felt good to touch Fay’s bare skin for the first time. She pulled Fay towards her, leant forward and started to kiss her. As the kiss continued, and the two women’s tongues found each other, Violet let her hand slip off Fay’s shoulder and down onto the top of her breasts above her low-cut top.
Fay pushed her hand away. “It’s too public in here,” she said.
“So if we were in private you’d not stop me.”
“No…yes…I don’t know. Oh god it’s like I’m fifteen.”
Violet rested her head on Fay’s shoulder.
“I’d love to slide my hand into your bra,” she said quietly. “Feel your nipple in the palm of my hand. Tweak it until it is hard. I’d like to get you out of those tight pants and see your wonderful body naked.”
“Oh wow. I’m definitely not ready for that.”
Violet moved and kissed Fay. Once again she let her hand casually slip from Fay’s shoulder onto her breast. Violet felt a thrill when this time Fay didn’t immediately stop her. Violet gently caressed the top of Fay’s breast while her tongue caressed Fay’s.
Finally, almost reluctantly, Fay pushed her hand away again. Violet broke the kiss and looked Fay up and down. Even through her bra and her top Violet could see that Fay’s nipples were erect and hard. She was breathing heavily, clearly aroused. Violet lowered her hand and put it on Fay’s leg. As she started to kiss Fay again she started to stroke her, running her fingertips up and down the inside of her thigh. She moved her mouth to Fay’s ear.
“Do you know what I’d like to do?” Violet said quietly, continuing to caress her.
“I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
“Say it.”
“You want to take my pants off.”
“I do. And?”
“And my panties.”
“And then?”
“You want to touch me.”
Violet stroked Fay’s thigh a little higher, letting the side of her hand just brush against Fay’s crotch.
“My…my…oh god I can’t even say it, it seems such a wicked thought. My pussy.”
Violet let her fingertips just graze Fay’s lip through the fabric of her pants.
“And do you want me to?”
“I don’t know what I want. I don’t know which way is up right now, you’ve got me so worked up.”
Fay reached down and pushed Violet’s hand away from her crotch. “If you keep touching me there I’ll just lose control.”
Violet sat up. “And you think I’d have a problem with that?”
“I know you’d love it. But I’m not ready for that. Maybe I never will be. Kiss me again, I like that and I can cope with it.”
Violet didn’t need any encouragement. She kissed Fay again. As the kiss got more intense, Violet put her hand on Fay’s breast, not subtly this time, her fingertips stroking the top of Fay’s breast and her palm rubbing against Fay’s hard nipple.
“Oh god Violet, how do I stop you?” Fay sighed. Violet was delighted when Fay put her hand on her waist, and surprised as Fay slid her hand up her side until she too was stroking Violet’s breast. “If I can’t beat you, join you, I guess.”
Violet let her hand drop onto Fay’s leg again and started to caress the inside of her thigh. But Fay grabbed her wrist. “No, I really can’t cope with that. Time out.”
Fay pushed Violet away and went to the bar, returning with another large bottle of beer. She refilled both their glasses and both women took a mouthful.
“Right,” she said. “Let’s have a normal conversation like two normal women. Which of the breads that we made did you prefer?” Fay picked up the plastic bag containing her share of the bread that they had baked that day. “The rye bread smelled really good.”
“I liked the croissants,” Violet said. “Buttery and flaky and sexy and erotic.”
Fay laughed. “You’ve just got a one-track mind.”
“Well, be honest. Can you think of anything better than coffee and buttery croissants on a Sunday morning with your lover, having just had sex?”
“It’s Saturday today.”
“It’ll be Sunday morning after you spend the night with me.”
“Phew, saved by the bell. I have to babysit my nephew, remember.”
“And I’m meant to be going drinking with some friends. But I’d rather stay here drinking with you.”
“This should be our last beer. I can’t really be BWI, babysitting while intoxicated.”
Violet laughed. “FWI is pretty good.”
“I’m not even going to ask what that might be. I think I can guess.”
Fay downed the last of her beer. “OK, I’m going to go. Goodbye kiss. But boxing rules, nothing below the belt.”
The two women wrapped their arms around each other and kissed. Fay’s tongue touched Violet’s sending little sparks of arousal through her. Violet slid her hand onto Fay’s breast again. When Fay did nothing to stop her, she let her hand slip a little lower, her fingertips slipping into her bra. Fay’s skin was silky smooth until Violet felt the rougher skin of her areola. Finally the tip of Violet’s finger brushed against Fay’s hard nipple. Fay sighed, pushing her tongue even harder into Violet’s mouth. Finally Fay broke the kiss. She reached down and pulled Violet’s hand from her bra.
“You are so naughty,” she said. “We are in a bar with other people.”
“We are in a dark corner.”
“Thank goodness for that. Right, I really am going this time.” Fay leant forward and kissed Violet briefly on the lips. “Goodnight,” she said. “I can’t wait for next week’s lesson.” She paused. “And learning how to make bread beforehand.”
Lesson 3: Proving the Dough
During the next bread making lesson Fay had finally learnt how to knead dough and no longer ended up with lumps of dough stuck on everything in sight. Finally the lesson was over. Violet assumed that they would go for a drink as usual. The two women walked out onto the street.
“I finally seem to have got the hang of kneading,” Fay said. “Like you said you need to be firm with it, let it know who’s boss.” She paused. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Are you going to be firm with me, let me know who’s boss?”
“Would you like me to?” Violet whispered back.
“Just don’t go too fast. It’s like rising dough, it can’t be too rushed.” Fay pulled out her cell-phone and glanced at the time. “But I don’t have that much time today. I’ve got something I need to get to later.”
“So much for not being rushed,” Violet said laughing. She grabbed Fay’s hand as they walked down the street. After only a couple of blocks, suddenly Violet turned to go into a women’s clothing store, pulling Fay behind her. She could see puzzlement on Fay’s face.
“What do you think of this?” she said, picking up a green silk blouse.
“It looks okay, but I’d really have to see it on you.”
“Good idea.”
Violet took the blouse to the back of the store where the changing rooms were, with Fay following a couple of steps behind. The two women went into one of the rooms. Violet hung the blouse on a hook.
“Aren’t you going to try it on?” Fay asked.
“No. I just brought you here for some privacy.”
Violet pushed Fay against the back wall of the changing room. She leaned in and pressed her lips once more against Fay’s mouth. At first Fay was unresponsive and then suddenly she melted and started to kiss Violet back, driving her tongue passionately into Violet’s mouth. Violet moved further forward, pushing herself against Fay, trapping her against the wall. Fay made no attempt to escape and, in fact, put her arms around Violet pulling her even tighter. The two woman’s breasts pressed against each other.
Violet pulled back from Fay for a moment, wondering how far and how fast she should move.
“Keep going before I come to my senses,” Fay whispered.
Violet stepped back, grabbed the hem of Fay’s top and quickly pulled it up above her breasts. Not bothering to unclasp it, she pushed Fay’s bra up off her breasts. She had pert little brown nipples. Violet bent down and took one into her mouth. Fay gasped as Violet’s tongue started to caress her hardening nipple. With one hand Violet caressed Fay’s other breast, rolling her nipple between finger and thumb. Her other hand slipped across Fay’s flat stomach until it reached the waistband of her pants.
Fay reached down and grabbed her hand. “I’m still not ready for that,” she said.
Violet stood up so she could whisper in Fay’s ear. “Oh I think you are. I think you want to know. You want to know what it feels like to have a girl unzip your pants. You want to know what it feels like to have a girl slip her hand into your panties. You’ve been imagining it all week when you masturbated, haven’t you?”
“Oh god yes. Every day.”
“You want to know what it feels like to have a woman finger your pussy. You want to know what it feels like to have my finger slip inside you, inside your body where only men’s fingers and cocks have been before. You are wet already just thinking about it, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” she said, almost inaudibly.
“I bet your little clit is hard and erect and just aching for the first touch of my fingertip. You want to cum, don’t you, here in this dressing room. It will be one of those orgasms that you never forget, your first orgasm with a woman, probably your first orgasm in somewhere so public. I want you to cum for me. I want…”
Suddenly Fay let Violet’s hand go. “Oh fuck, do whatever you want.”
Violet unbuttoned Fay’s pants and slid the zipper down. She kissed Fay passionately again as she slipped her hand into her panties. Violets fingers descended through Fay’s pubic hair until they reached the fleshiness of her outer lips. She forced a finger into the gap between them and then slid her hand lower still. Her finger slid along the divide of Fay’s sex. She was soaking wet.
“Oh my god,” Fay moaned as Violet curled a finger up into the opening to her body. Her finger slick with Fay’s juice, she started to gently rub Faye’s clit.
“Oh you do that so well,” Fay whispered as Violet’s finger circled her clit, driving her excitement ever higher. “I can’t believe I’m halfway to cumming already.”
Violet felt Fay’s fingers unbuttoning her shirt. She pulled her hand out of Fay’s panties for a moment, slipped her shirt off her shoulders, unclipped her bra and dropped everything to the floor, standing there topless. Fay reached out with one hand and started to caress one of Violet’s breasts as Violet slipped her hand back into Fay’s panties and her finger into the cleft of her pussy. She started to stroke Fay, her fingertip probing the opening to her cunt and the rest of her finger rubbing back and forth over her clit.
Fay took one of Violet’s nipples between finger and thumb, sending little sparks of excitement through her body.
“Oh that’s so good,” Fay whispered, obviously close to orgasm. “Keep going.”
“Cum quietly,” Violet warned.
“I’ll try,” Fay said. “oh my god, here it comes.”
Violet felt Fay’s body stiffen and jerk. For a moment her knees buckled under her but then she regained her balance as the ripples of her orgasm washed through her body. Violet continued to softly massage Fay’s clit as the roller-coaster of her climax ebbed and flowed. “oh, don’t stop,” Fay whimpered in Violet’s ear as her hips bucked against Violet’s fingers. Finally, Fay pushed Violet’s hand away. Her knees buckled again and she sat down on the floor, breathing hard. Violet sat down on the floor beside her.
“That was amazing,” Fay said. “I want to do something for you but I really do have to go now. I’m late already. But I promise I’ll make it up to you next Saturday. I’ll make sure I don’t have anything else that evening if you promise you won’t either.” She pulled her bra down over her breasts, did up her pants and pulled her shirt down. Violet picked her shirt and bra up off the floor and put them back on. The two women walked out of the changing room as demurely as they could manage.
Lesson 4: Baking the Loaf
The following Saturday was the last day of the bread-making course. Although Violet was really interested in learning how to make bread, somehow that day it just seemed like something that was delaying the real highlight of the day. Violet and Fay made and kneaded the dough, baked the bread, all with the unspoken thrill of what they might do after the course. Finally it was over.
Violet was ready to go to the café again but Fay suggested a different bar, in one of the luxury hotels in the area. To Violet it seemed a bit of a strange choice but she went along with it. The beer would be twice the price it was in the café. Fay ordered them both a beer and they sat in the smart bar. Violet felt a little out of place and underdressed, especially with the dusting of flour still on her clothes, but Fay didn’t seem to notice.
“Do you know why I picked this bar for a drink?” Fay asked.
“No idea. You know the barman?”
“No. 821.”
“821? What sort of a reason is that?”
Fay waved to the waiter and asked him for the bill.
“You’ll see,” she said cryptically.
The waiter brought the bill over. Fay took the pen, wrote something on the bill and signed it. She showed it to Violet. In the room-number space she’d written “821”.
“I told you I’d make it up to you this week for having to rush off last week.”
Neither woman said anything but they both drained their beers almost immediately. A couple of minutes later they were in the elevator on their way to the 8th floor.
Fay got a key-card out of her purse and opened the door to their room. She grabbed the “do not disturb” sign and put it on the outside of the door.
“Let’s have a shower,” Fay suggested. She grabbed Violet’s hand and took her into the bathroom. “We’re all sweaty from that bread-making. And to my complete surprise, I can’t wait to see you naked.”
“I’ve been imaging you naked since the first bread-making lesson,” Violet admitted.
Violet took off her shirt and pants and stood there a little self-consciously in her underwear. Fay came over and kissed her, reaching behind with one hand and unclasping her bra. Then she squatted down in front of Violet, reached out and peeled Violet’s panties down to her ankles. Violet was suddenly very aware that Fay’s face was just inches from her pussy. She guessed Fay had never been that close to another woman’s pussy. She was surprised when Fay leant forward and kissed her mound through her pubes.
“That’s a down-payment for later,” Fay said. She stood up and slipped out of her own clothes. Violet looked at her body. She really did look incredible naked. Violet noticed that she had shaved. The pubic hair that she’d felt in the changing room was gone, nothing now hid the deep cleft of Fay’s pussy. She couldn’t wait to lick it. The fact that Fay had shaved just for her made it even more special.
The room had a huge walk-in shower. The two naked women got under the cascade of hot water. They each grabbed a washcloth and proceeded to wash each other, giving lots of unnecessary extra attention to ensuring they were both clean between their legs.
Violet went into the bedroom and lay down in the middle of the huge bed. Fay went to the minibar and got out two beers and brought them over to the bed along with a couple of glasses.
Violet laughed. “A naked woman delivering beer. Life doesn’t get much better.”
Fay got onto the bed beside her. “How about a naked woman delivering beer and kissing you all over?” She bent forward and pressed her mouth to one of Violet’s breasts, flicking her tongue over the dark brown nipple. Violet lay back and enjoyed the feeling, pleased that she didn’t have to take control as she had expected, wondering at what point Fay might have a crisis of confidence again and she’d have to take over.
“Can I touch your pussy?” Fay whispered, as if someone might overhear her.
“You don’t need to ask permission for anything. You can do whatever you want.”
“I’ve never touched a pussy before. I might…well, need a little guidance.”
Violet spread her thighs, giving Fay both access and encouragement. Fay tentatively slid her fingers down across Violet’s stomach. Her fingertips combed through Violet’s pubes and then slipped out of sight around the curve of her body. Fay’s fingers started to explore Violet’s pussy, creating jolts of delight.
“You feel different from me,” Fay said. “It’s hard to feel what’s what. No wonder men have such trouble finding our clits.”
Violet reached down, grasped Fay’s index finger and guided it onto her clit. “Here’s mine,” she said.
“How do you like to be touched? Softly, roughly?”
“Well, it’s a clit not a penis so definitely not roughly. But mine isn’t as sensitive as some so don’t be too tentative or it won’t do much for me.”
Fay laughed. “Your clit is like the dough. It needs to be treated firmly, but not too timidly or roughly.” She started to gently polish Violet’s clit with her finger. “Like this?”
“Mmm. That’s good.”
“Do you want me to try and make you cum?”
Violet laughed. “What kind of a question is that? When have you ever not wanted your lover to give you an orgasm?”
“Well, I’m just not sure I’ll be able to. I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“The fact that you are even trying means that there’s no way I’ll be disappointed.”
“Can I stick my finger inside you?”
“I told you, you don’t need to ask permission for anything.”
“I just don’t want to hurt you.”
“Just because I’ve never had a cock in there doesn’t mean you’ll hurt me with your finger.”
Violet reached down again and moved Fay’s finger to just over the entrance into her body.
“There,” Violet said.
Fay gently curled her finger and Violet felt it slip into her wet opening. Fay started to move her finger in Violet’s pussy, almost experimentally. Violet lay back and just enjoyed all the feelings. She loved it when she took a straight woman to bed for the first time. Somehow her inexperience and clumsiness made it even more exciting. Plus she was a blank slate, ready to be molded into an ideal lover.
Violet pulled Fay towards her and kissed her as she continued to finger her pussy. “Your turn,” Violet said. She pushed Fay onto her back and started to kiss her on the neck, slowly working her way downwards to her shoulder and onto the tops of her breasts. She took one of Fay’s nipples between her teeth and very gently bit down, while rubbing the end of the nipple with the tip of her tongue. Then she carried on downwards, kissing her way across Fay’s belly to her navel before continuing her journey onto her shaved mound. Violet put her hands on Fay’s legs and gently parted them. She then moved down the bed so she could lie between Fay’s outspread thighs with her pussy just under her mouth.
Violet gently used her fingers to open up the latte colored lips of Fay’s pussy. She bent forward and ran her tongue up and the pink line that marked the center of her slit, teasing her by not quite entering her and not quite touching her clit. She could feel Fay’s hips starting to move a little as she got more and more aroused. Violet plunged her tongue as deep as she could into Fay’s cunt. Fay squealed with surprise and her body jerked hard. Violet swirled her tongue around in the entrance to Fay’s cunt, savoring the flavor of her juices. She licked back up between Fay’s labia and ever so softly started to tickle her clit with the tip of her tongue. Fay was moaning almost continuously now, her whole attention focused on that tiny point of pleasure that Violet was skillfully tonguing.
As she continued to lick Fay’s clit, Violet slipped a finger between her lips, the tip just hovering tantalizingly in her entrance. As she sensed Fay’s arousal building she gradually worked her finger in deeper. She could sense that Fay was just on the cusp of orgasm. She started to lick Fay’s clit harder but keeping the same rhythm. At the same time she started to finger-fuck her. “Oh my god,” Fay screamed and her body arched and went stiff before falling back onto the bed. “Yes, yes, yes,” she moaned as the tsunami of her orgasm flooded her body with undiluted pleasure. “Oh Violet you are so good at that,” she cried out as the last flutters of her orgasm gradually faded into nothing.
Violet moved back up the bed and took Fay in her arms and just held her while she recovered and came back down to earth.
“I want to do that for you,” Fay said. “Can I…no, I don’t need to ask. But I have to admit it’s a bit intimidating. It was one thing to finger your pussy but licking it seems so impossibly intimate. I’ll try anyway.”
Fay moved down the bed. Violet spread her legs and offered her pussy to her. She reached down and with one hand she spread herself open, making it easier for Fay who had moved between her legs. Fay inspected Violet somewhat clinically, presumably it was the first time she’d seen another woman’s pussy up close.
“Wow, you look so, well, feminine since I can’t think of a better word.”
She lowered her head and gently licked Violet’s pussy as if she were licking an ice-cream. After she’d done that a few times she raised her head and looked at Violet’s pussy to get her bearings. “This is your clit, right?” she said before she started to circle it with the end of her tongue.
“It certainly is,” Violet gasped as jolts of excitement pierced her pussy.
Fay lifted her head again. “I’m just going to try to do what I like to have done to me,” she said. “So just boss me around if you want me to do something different.”
Then she lowered her head and Violet’s clit lit up again with pleasure. Violet partially sat up and looked down at Fay. Fay stared back into her eyes. Her tongue was out of sight around the curve of Violet’s body working its magic in her pussy. Violet closed her eyes and lay back again, focusing on the wonderful feelings that Fay’s inexpert tongue was creating. While Fay continued to stimulate Violet’s clit, she reached down to her breast and stroked one of her own nipples.
Violet was enjoying the sensations that Fay was creating so much that she was in no hurry to cum. She’d happily lie there for hours savoring the exquisite twinges of arousal that fluttered in her cunt. But she knew Fay would get tired or lose confidence so she focused her body on the orgasm she could feel ripening inside her.
“Oh Fay, just keep doing that,” Violet encouraged. Her body started to tense up as it always did before she came. Her orgasm felt like a balloon being inflated. Gradually it would get bigger and bigger and then suddenly it would burst in an intense explosion. Violet reached down and put one hand on Fay’s head. “Don’t stop,” she said. She was nearly there.
If she needed to, Violet could cum silently, but when a lover brought her there she preferred to be less sedate. “Oh yes Fay,” she cried as she felt her impending climax rocketing towards her. Her orgasm detonated like fire-crackers, a series of explosions that built up to a crescendo of unbelievable ecstasy before slowly lowering her body back to normality. Violet gently pushed Fay off her over-sensitive clit. “That was incredible.”
Fay moved back up the bed and the two women rolled under the covers and wrapped their arms around each other.
“Thank you,” Fay said.
“For what?”
“For pushing me to do something I’d never have dared try. Never have even known I wanted to, to be honest. From the moment you first kissed me I always wanted to go a teeny little bit further until…well, until there wasn’t really any further to go.” Fay kissed Violet. “Guess what’s for breakfast?”
“No idea.”
“Coffee and croissants, of course. Your favorite Sunday morning after-sex breakfast.”
“Who knew bread-making could be such an interesting learning experience?”